
Yolanda Perez

About Yolanda Perez

Yolanda has had multiple professional directions in her life. Her work at Sears opened doors to other retail and customer service endeavors. Her creative abilities led her to design and export furniture.
Her university training in language was the gateway to virtual and face to face Spanish teaching to students from fourteen different countries, a profession she continues to this day.
She fell in love with Lakeside 44 years ago. As a long-term resident of Guadalajara, she understands the importance of those big city amenities and the symbiotic benefit to those who wish to live a more tranquil life here at Lake Chapala.

Yolanda’s passion for helping people will ensure your success in finding the best home for you in this wonderful community.
Jim has partnered in Lake Chapala Real Estate with fellow agent Yolanda Perez. Their skill sets as agents are complementary and utilize their differences in cultural backgrounds and language. They both agree that their most important talent is listening to their customers and clients.

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